Sabtu, 28 April 2012

Colton Dixon, and Elise Testone was Eliminated in TOP 7 and TOP 6

this is American Idol 11 Journey with 13 Finalist and every weeks one of them will be eliminated.
TOP 13
 TOP 11
Jeremy Rosado was VOTED OFF. and Elise Testone was SAVED by judges in this first week.
and also Jermaine Jones was disqualified by American Idol because his past criminal.

TOP 10
 Shannon Magrane was Eliminated after Elise Testone and Erika Van Pely was Safe.
in this week, Erika Van Pelt had eliminated..
Heejun Han my favorite finalis was VOTED OFF after he sang A Song For You by Donny Hathaway. I think he should saved by judges. but, he is not. I am crying when I see his last performed.. and he is a good boy and I like his frieandship with Phillip Phillips.
TOP 7 (First Week)
when Jessica Sanchez, Joshua Ledet and Elise Testone in bottom 3, and Ryan Secreast announced that Jessica Sanchez has VOTED OFF, I was really glad because she should be the Winner in this season. and the judges had been using their SAVED to her, and TOP 7 will be started again in next week.
TOP 7 (Second Week)
because SAVE was using by judges in last week. in this week. Colton Dixon was eliminated and no more SAVE again. and we should let him go and say goodbye..
in this week, Elise Testone was eliminated, and I just hope that finalis who will going home is Joshua Ledet. but, he is safe. and Skylar Laine and Hollie Cavanagh in the bottom 3 again.
who is will be going home in this week??
I always wish that will be Joshua Ledet!!!!

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